"Structural Health Assessment And Vulnerability Analysis Of Reinforced Concrete Cooling Tower And Flue Gas Stack Of A Thermal Power Plant (Tpp): A Case Study."
Castiglioni, C. A., et al. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on protection of historical constructions–PROHITECH. 2017.

“A unified approach for fatigue detail categorization applied to rack structures”.
C. Souto, C. A. Castiglioni, A. Menghini, F. Morelli, A. Piscini, B. Hoffmeister, T. Geers, H. Degée, P. Tzintzos, O. Kraus, J. Frederiks, S. Sesana, M. Figueiredo, V. Gomes, J. Correia, A. de Jesus, Structures 56 (2023) 104948 56 (2023), 104948, 1 August 2023

“The EU-RFCS Project FASTCOLD (Fatigue Strength of Cold-formed Structural Steel Details)”
Castiglioni C.A., Menghini A., Proc. XXVIII CTA Conference, Francavilla a Mare, October 2022, pp.633-642

“Flessibilità e performance dell’acciaio Strutturale nelle Ristrutturazioni Complesse. Il progetto Costruttivo di un moderno edificio multifunzionale a Milano”
Rabuffetti A.S., Castiglioni C.A., Bacci A., Solari M., Torricelli S., Proc. XXVIII CTA Conference, Francavilla a Mare, October 2022, pp.3-10

“Fatigue strength of cold-formed structural steel details: Numerical modelling and experimental results”
Castiglioni C.A., Menghini A., Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 199, (2022), 107605, ISSN 0143-974X

“Determination of Manufacturing Residual Stresses in Cold-Formed Thin-Walled Steel Profiles”
Souto C.D.S., Menghini A., Diaz A., Manso J.M., Jesus A.M.P., Castiglioni C.A., Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 180, (2022)

"Structural performance of automated multi depth shuttle warehouses (AMSWs) under low to moderate seismic actions"
Kondratenko A., Kanyilmaz A., Castiglioni C.A., Morelli F., Kohrangi M., Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, (2021)

"Design and Analysis of Laser-Cut based Moment Resisting passing-through I-Beam-to-CHS Column Joints"
Das, R., Castiglioni C.A., Couchaux M., Hoffmeister B., Degee H., Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 169 (2020)

Castiglioni C.A. et al., Costruzioni Metalliche, Vol. LXXI, n.6 (2019), pp. 45-51

“Influence of residual stresses on the fatigue life of cold formed profiles used in automated warehouses”
Kanyilmaz A., Castiglioni C.A., Menghini A., Proc. XXVII CTA Conference, Bologna, October 2019, pp.489-496

“Comportamento al fuoco di magazzini autoportanti”
Madeddu M., Sassi S., Castiglioni C.A., Chiarelli G.P., Setti P., Costruzioni Metalliche, Vol LXX, n.6 (2018), pp. 85-94

“Fabrication of laser cut I-beam-to-CHS-column steel joints with minimized welding”
Kanyilmaz A., Castiglioni C.A., Journal of Constructional Steel Research 146 (2018) 16–32

“Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Application To The Structural Health Assessment Of Large Civil Engineering Structures”
Castiglioni C.A., Rabuffetti A.S., Chiarelli G.P., Brambilla G., Georgi J., Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, March 20-23, 2017

“Circular Hollow Section joint fabrication using laser cutting technology: Tolerance assessment”
Kanyilmaz A., Castiglioni C.A., Raso S., Valli A., Brugnoli M., Galazzi A., Hojda R., 6th International Symposium on Tubular Structures, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 2017

“Tolerance Assessment of Laser-Cut Steel Joints”
Kanyilmaz A., Castiglioni C.A., Raso S., Galazzi A., Proc. XXVI CTA, Venezia, Oct. 2017, pp. 721-728

“Experimental Assessment of Tolerances for the fabrication of Laser-Cut Steel Joints”
Kanyilmaz A., Castiglioni C.A., Brambilla G., Gjoka K., Galazzi A., Raso S., Valli A., Brugnolli M., Hojda R., EUROSTEEL 2017, September 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark

“Modellazione numerica di silos e serbatoi in acciaio soggetti ad azioni sismiche”
A. Kanyilmaz, C.A. Castiglioni, G.P. Chiarelli, G. Brambilla, Il Giornale dell’ingegnere, n.11, 2015, pp 8,10, Qine, Milano